Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A poem by Faiz

If poetry is looking at the truth from a different angle, then epidemiology is very much the same! maybe that is why i find poetry so inspiring... here is an example about a theme that is central to epidemiology.

Bol ke lab aazaad hain tere....

Speak, for your lips are still free
Speak, for your tongue is still yours
Your body, though frail, is still yours
Speak, for your life is still yours

Look, in the blacksmith's workshop
The flames are hot, the steel is red
The mouths of the locks are beginning to open
The links of the chains are coming undone

Speak, for the little time you have is enough
Before your body and tongue die
Speak, for truth still lives
Speak up, say that which you must!


Faiz has written what is certainly a manifesto for epidemiologists!

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